Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It Ain't Easy Bein' [you fill in the blank]. (Rosé)

Sittin’ on the deck, lookin’ at the beach, waitin’ for sunset, and keepin’ life light and rosy with a glass of Paradisos del Sol Winery’s 2004 Rosé Paradiso.

It’s deeply colored Rosé that’s more refreshing than sweet. Yummy sipped alone or drank paired with lighter warm-weather fare. No oak, just light and fruity. Friends Barbara and Paul own this Eastern Washington winery where they create some seriously delicious wines, grow some produce, and give home to a variety of animals. Thinkin’ about the day and lookin’ at my green tomato plants probably reminded me of Kermit The Frog’s precious little song It’s Not Easy Being Green:

It's not that easy bein' green;
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves.
When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold-
or something much more colorful like that.

It's not easy bein' green.
It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things.
And people tend to pass you over 'cause you're not standing out like flashy sparkles in the water- or stars in the sky.

But green's the color of Spring.
And green can be cool and friendly-like.
And green can be big like an ocean, or important like a mountain, or tall like a tree.

When green is all there is to be
It could make you wonder why, but why wonder why? Wonder,
I am green and it'll do fine, it's beautiful!
And I think it's what I want to be.

When I was a teenager I did a little bit of modeling. Part of that experience included an agency called Kathleen Peck Modeling School. Not many women of color in that industry back then and my ethnic “look” wasn’t vogue. They measured me and said my calves and thighs were too big, my skin was too dark (so they lightened it with cosmetics), my lips were too full (so they thinned them with cosmetics), my hair wasn’t bone straight, and at 5’7 I was too short. I wasn’t super skinny or white and I always felt un-pretty every time the make-up artist would make my lips smaller and lighten my skin. Some years later ethnicity was more celebrated in the industry and I had a better experience at a different agency until I got nixed from a Brittania runway gig because my legs didn’t look long and thin enough in their jeans. Brittania was the shit back in the day.

Spending most of my youth in a mostly white suburb also fomented a silo of peer pressure, self-dissatisfaction, and deep feelings of un-pretty as I tried to fit in to keep my ass from getting beat up in those abusive and hostile surroundings.

But as the Fates would have it, I was reminded again today (as I often am in my adult days) about how fuckng cool it is to be ME. I love my brown skin and how it becomes even more caramel-ly in the summer. I love my lips. My legs are pretty dang strong and athletic, I love that. And even though humidity is serious kryptonite to my hair, I can wear it straight or curly and pretty much every way in between.

That frog and I, we were tight, and …

When green and Me is all there is to be
It could make you wonder why, but why wonder why? Wonder,
Kermit’s green and I’m Me and we’ll do fine, we’re beautiful!
And I think we’re what we want to be.

Thanks Kermie ♥ I LOVE YOU.
Hmm ... I wonder if frogs like Rosé.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Theory: What goes around, goes around again. (Pinot Gris)

After sitting on The Ultimate Journey: Consciousness and the Mystery of Death by Stanislav Grof, M.D. I finally decided to crack it open. Fanning through the pages my eyes caught a quote preceding Chapter 10 from French philosopher and writer, Voltaire “It is no more surprising to be born twice than to be born once.” What follows is way freakin’ more than I intended to share here and in the process I tapped out that bottle of 2002 Pinot Gris from Lake Chelan Winery http://www.lakechelanwinery.com/ from yesterday.

The phenomena of karma and reincarnation in its cultural, scientific, religious and quantum concepts was laid out in an easily-read, entertaining, and thought-expanding discussion. The subject isn’t at all new to me yet my brain felt like a helium balloon.

Grof sets the foundation for reincarnation and karma being core to Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Tibetan Buddhism but the idea of these concepts are universal. Everybody lives, everybody passes on, everybody lives again … not just somebodys. He includes a mention of great Christian theologian and thinker, Origen of Alexandria, (I haven’t thought about this dude forever) who ruminated over the cycling of souls during his life in 185 – 245 A.D., and also an eloquent quote discussing the rub of reincarnation from Sholem Asch, a scholar, novelist, dramatist and essayist who passed away in 1957.

Referencing research and a case study by Ian Stevenson, the section on Spontaneous Past Life Memories in Children discusses a wowing account of an East Indian boy, Parmod Sharma, who recounted spot-on and verified memories of a life he claimed to live as Parmanand Mehra who passed away just 18 months before Parmod was born. Note of interest: Stevenson’s research “… shows that about 35% of children who claim to remember previous lives have unusual birthmarks, strange physical abnormalities, or rare birth defects that correspond closely to a wound, often fatal, or scar on the body of the deceased person the child remembers being” .

Yet something else to ponder in the section on Spontaneous and Evoked Past Life Memories in Adults, “In situations of extreme emotional intensity, the sadistic arousal of the torturer and the inhuman pain of the tortured increasingly resemble each other. Similarly, the rage of the murderer merges with the anguish and suffering of the dying victim. This emotional fusion seems to be instrumental in karmic imprinting, rather than a specific role in the experiential sequence. According to the insights of the people who have had past life experiences, whenever two individuals get involved in a situation where their emotions reach this state, they will repeat the same pattern in their future lives, but in alternating roles, until they reach the level of awareness necessary to resolve this karmic bond.

And if any of you are interested in energy work, transpersonal hypnotherapy, the Silva Method, yadda yadda yadda you may be intrigued by this, “In many instances my clients who had experienced karmic sequences identified the karmic partners featuring in them as being specific persons from their present life – parents, children, spouses, boyfriends and girlfriends, and other important figures. When they completed reliving the karmic scene and reached successful resolution, they felt that the respective interpersonal partners had been so deeply part of their experience that they themselves had to feel something similar and might have been influenced by the experience. When I became sufficiently open-minded to try to verify these insights, I discovered to my great surprise that they were often accurate. The persons whom my clients had denoted as their partners in the karmic sequence experienced dramatic positive changes in their own feelings toward my clients at exactly the same time when the process was completed. This extraordinary synchronistic liaison between the events in the session and the changes in the attitudes of the “karmic partners” could not be explained by linear causality. Often these other individuals were hundreds or thousands of miles away, and they had no knowledge of my client’s experience … The timing of these synchronistic happenings was often remarkable; in some instances they were minutes apart … This aspect of past life experiences, suggesting nonlocal connections in the universe, is similar to the phenomena described by Bell’s theorem in quantum-relativistic physics … “

Another section much too much to address here (mega complex research) is in the section Supporting Evidence for the Authenticity of Past Life Memories. Of HUGE interest and implication is The Case of Renata. In a nutshell, Renata was receiving LSD (evoked) therapy for her fear of cancer when bizarre memories surfaced in her consciousness of a life which took place hundreds of years ago in Prague – she described the life of a nobleman who was executed by the Hapsburgs during the 1621 Battle of White Mountain. Coupla years later a family member who hadn’t been seen since Renata was three provided proof of the family being descendents of a nobleman who died after the Battle of White Mountain. The thing that makes you go HMM: the nobleman died in battle meaning he couldn’t start a family. As Grof wrote so unintentionally hilariously, “… physical death terminates the possibility of further genetic transfer …” (well, duh) and “A dead person cannot procreate and ‘genetically’ pass the memory of his terminal anguish to future generations”.

The question that turned my brain turn into a helium balloon … “Does the existence of these experiences constitute a definitive ‘proof’ that some essential part of us survives death and reincarnates as the same separate unit of consciousness, the same individual soul? Despite all the extraordinary evidence discussed earlier, the answer to this question has to be negative.” That our “individual consciousness” passes on then is reborn is just one theory. The reminder that Grof timely provides is to distinguish between theory and the reality that that theory is describing … in other words the map should never be confused with the territory. Note: Them is nine words of wisdom there.

closing quote

“In the Hindu tradition, the belief in reincarnation of separate individuals is seen as a popular and unsophisticated understanding of reincarnation. In the last analysis, there is only one being that has true existence and that is Brahman, or the creative principle itself. All separate individuals in all the dimensions of existence as just products of infinite metamorphoses of this one immense entity. Since all the divisions and boundaries in the universe are illusory and arbitrary, only Brahman really incarnates. All the protagonists in the divine play of existence are different aspects of this One. When we attain this ultimate knowledge, we are able to see that our past incarnation experiences represent just another level of illusion or maya. From this perspective, to see these lives as “our lives” requires perception of the karmic players as separate individuals and reflects ignorance concerning the ultimate unity of everything.”

Pour yourself a glass of an easy-drinking red or white and imagine being One. I would have liked a full-bodied red with this but the Pinot Gris was open.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Can I touch yow puppy? (Pinot Gris)

I was just reminded of a well-known quote from Thich Nhat Hanh, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” An easy few words to ponder over a glass of 2002 Pinot Gris from Lake Chelan Winery http://www.lakechelanwinery.com/. Refreshing in the flavors of pear and citrus, and if I close my eyes I can almost taste that hint of oak. Or maybe I’m just imagining the oak. Well, refreshing nonetheless.

Walking along the beach yesterday I saw a Hispanic couple with their little boy. His age I suspect was about five. He was adorable with big brown eyes that radiated tangible vibes of joy. I watched him peel off from the safety of his parents and zig zag around people like a heat-seeking missile towards an older man who was walking his Jack Russell Terrier in the opposite direction. The little boy’s eyes never strayed from their target, as if by sheer will they could get that fellow (and more importantly his dog) to stop in their tracks. He boldly reached the fellow’s side and asked in a tone of youthful excitement, hopefulness, and expectancy, “Can I touch yow puppy?” The fellow looked down, their eyes finally meeting, and picked up his puppy so the little boy could touch it. That adorable little boy could barely contain his excitement, as if after a long voyage his ship had finally landed on Treasure Island.

The scenario made such an impression, as these often do, because as a kid I was in a poorly functioning environment and most boldness and adventure I felt stayed bottled up inside of me. Rarely did I ask for something with this little boy’s level of expectancy and hopefulness, as if his question was a mere formality, a required polite gesture to be extended before his request was granted. I LOVE seeing that and in my mind I cheered that little boy on and sent my thought for him out into the cosmos … Let him remain bold, hopeful, and expectant through his entire life. Protect his heart, his mind, and his spirit from those who will inevitably try to make him weaker. Let his Joy be contagious and let everyone he comes in contact with be positively affected by it. I was a much older kid before I popped the cork on my inner bottle and began to free myself.

That little boy’s joy was the source of my smile, and his smile was the source of the puppy owner’s joy. The puppy was JOY JOY JOY.

I raise my glass and toast Joy and Youth! MMM, a nice pear finish in this delightful quaffing wine.


Welcome to my fragrant and lovely grapevine-laced space in the blogosphere. Here you can escape into easy drinking wines and short stories and thoughts, oh so simple in presentation but sometimes profound in heart. Cheers to all my new friends!